Mr. President, Joe Biden,
As the President of United States, you remain accountable for the Crimes Against Humanity & the Tech-Driven Genocide of Palestinians carried out by Israel. This is no a allegation but a statement of fact arrived at by a pure process of deduction, induction, synthesis, integration, and conclusion. A conclusion that can be brought to a halt by You or can evolve in layers as humanity gets exposed to the true darkness of The State of Israel, that assisted by technology looks gleefully at ways of profiting of the genocide. It is Vultures that feed off the dead but when one kills for profit comparing them to Vultures would be an insult to Vultures.
Every President of the United States since ex-President George W Bush, have looked at the Persian Gulf as a playground to be managed by Presidential Executive Orders. A region where oil, oil companies, and regional politics, widen the disparity in access to resources within nations of the region. That alongside the competition between the Shia and Sunni as to who is more beloved to Allah degrading very the concept of Allah or God. The region’s fear of Israel as a proxy of the United States with its military might with the added on global association that the West managed to create between terrorism and Islam. An idea systematically worked over where the concept of terrorism tured subjective (at times even subjectivity being narrowed down to a single individual in a position of Power) An open-ended approach with a scope for expansion of that concept of Terrorism and Acts of Terror that one could legally be held accountable for.
Mr. President, you and other leaders in the west have been asserting the association between the attack on the 7th of October and the Tech Driven Genocide in Gaza, Palestine, but that is far from the truth. This what is going on is not an act of retribution is a Genocide or Crime Against Humanity of a massive scale going on for over a year. Widely displayed on social media networks with the perpetrators displaying with pride their ‘art work’ both live and static, with songs praising the Genocide trending in Israeli society. Israelis going out to the streets to assert the rights of Israeli soldiers who so brutally raped a Palestinian youth that he required emergency medical care (that rape not being an isolated incident). It’s a society that makes plain its plan and dream of taking over the land of the Gazans and build homes for themselves. To which end, The State of Israel has its forces turn Gaza’s infrastructure to rubble and brutally kill, starve, dehumanize, torture, taunt kill, burn Palestinians in front of their loved ones. These Israeli forces turn to rubble the infrastructure that provide essential services to ensure ‘Domicide’ happens alongside Genocide.
All this is not a reaction to the rage or anger experienced for one incident, this is land grabbing by cleaning out its population an act made possible for a mindset that has evolved within Israeli society that turns them immune to acts of inhumane terror inflicted on others. It is this very mindset that has been strengthened by the United States many times over, since the the creation of State of Israel which American Presidents have protected at cost to themselves as the attack on ship USS Liberty.
The greatest cover that Unites States specifically, and the West offered to Israel for it to evolve the way it has, was of being the only democracy in the Middle East and therefore a more ethical, moral state respecting individual freedom both in thought and action. That is far from the truth, if not an outright lie. This deception was possible only for the silence or the silencing of the Department of State, US and relevant departments in other countries. The US created that scope for distortion veiling the limitations of Israeli democracy including the fact that it was never one, ever.
I. Why Israel is not a Democracy?
a) Access to Land:
Available data indicates that 93% of the land is owned by the State and it cannot be sold or given away, and this real estate is owned jointly by the State (69%), Development Authority (12%) and the Jewish National Fund (a Zionist organization) (12%). The remaining 7% of land has private ownership and that is distributed along Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa [1], but there is no clarity offered on whether that be land taken away by force from Palestinians and transferred to the State of Israel.
It is interesting to note that the Basic Law of Israel, considers State ownership relevant to its security to prevent land from falling into wrong hands by the use of force [2]. A process familiar to Israel that has been taking over land belonging to Palestinians, by force. Almost, the entire region of Upper Nazareth was created in this manner. Interestingly Palestinians have refused to consent to the sale or transfer of the land have not accepted the amounts fixed by Israel for the transfer by sale and yet, the entire land was taken over by the State of Israel that then created Jewish Settlements with Palestinians and others having no access thru or space in that area. This manner of land grab is nothing new to the State of Israel and very much fits in with the Israeli style of governance.
My question is how can a State where the government owns 93 percent of the land and acquires more by invasion forceful eviction or military led slaughter of people in other States be considered an exemplary Democracy?
b) Expanding Political Representation to fragmentation and negation of accountability.
From the time of its creation in 1949, Zionism is Israel’s national and State ideology and most political parties in the Knesset identify with Zionism in some form or other or at least to the idea of the supremacy of Israel or Judaism. At present there are 13 parties in the 120 Knesset seats of whom nine adhere to Zionism in one form or other, of the remaining four parties, two are a representation of the Arab population, another a representation of the Ultra Nationalist Party of Israeli and the other adherents of the United Torah Judaism. So other than the two parties representing the Arab Israeli population, all other adhere to Zionism in one form or other, or are ultra nationalist or ultra religious [3]. With that being the case one can’t see how democracy fits into this profile of a country with a significant non Jewish population.
Israel is a closed Democracy with proportional representation during the years 1949-1992 one needed to secure a minimum of one percent of the total votes for representation in the Knesset, a figure which was then raised to 3.25 percent in 2015. [4]. Israel considers the entire country to be one district, for election purposes and research indicated that for better representation based on votes polled, the threshold needed to be below one percent [5]. The question is within a closed system how can the widely distributed power sharing turn functional, the layered accountability and complex interconnections provides limited chance for the voters to hold any candidate accountable or even hold any party accountable. In addition, there is a great likelihood of party coalitions breaking up before completing a single term and that is a common feature of Israeli politics.
There is limited chance for any party evolving through addressing governance concerns, it is far more likely that parties would evolve more in terms of how they network with other parties and get smarter at manoeuvring differences to achieving their own goals. This complex layered reality of politics ensures democracy is left at the sidelines. While Turkey and Spain have a closed party list for proportional representation, both are unitary states and power is clearly centralized. How then is Israel a democracy and stated to be a model for the region. The limitations of proportional representational democracy have been pointed out by researchers in the field, pointing out that it leads to dysfunctional collation government and even concentration of power with the elite or select group [6].
For a country with less than 0.2 percent of world population and with 120 seats at Knesset, Israel has 66 recognized parties, 13 within Knesset and 53 outside the Knesset [7] and in comparison, India, the most populous country in the world, has but 9 national parties and 58 state parties alongside 2700 odd unrecognized parties. India has a total of 67 recognized parties, just one party more than Israel [8]. Israel when compared to countries with less than its 10 million population has a vast number for in other countries the number of parties range just between 1-22. Among the five countries with population within 10 million, Austria with five parties, Belarus 15 parties, Switzerland around 24, Laos one and Turkmenistan with 9 political parties [9]. The question is how can Israel with so many parties where voters elect but the party and not a candidate ensure a functional democracy.
c) Diversity within population profile
While Israel states itself to a be a Jewish nation state, an individual’s lineage is considered on deciding who is an actual Jew. This may be the only country where with just over nine million population only 2.76 million of the population have Israeli Jewish parents, for the rest parents are from 32 different countries, this not including the broader classification as from other African countries as Ethiopia, other Asian countries as India and Pakistan, and from Latin America [10]. Given this diversity with many citizens brought in from other countries with incentives provided, would make ensuring democracy with 66 parties within a closed proportional representation an uphill task.
d) Cementing the fragments for governance
But there two factors that hold Israeli society together, the faith and military and both of which contribute towards Zionism the most prominent ideology in the present government of Israel. There is one common thread that ties Judaism and Military together, plans for a Greater Israel. This notion is inherent in both streams of knowledge and some of the present members of the Knesset as those in the past explicitly state the same. Even when decades ago when labor party won and formed a collation government, they lost out and got sidelined in the parliament for goal of Greater Israel took the upper hand (Johnathan Marcus.1992) [11] Orientation to both streams of thought are given from very young age, so Israelis grow up believing in the supremacy of Judaism and the need for a military to assert their rights, which include a historical right over the land of Israel. The only instance in human history when even most educated think history of divine allocation of land and religious texts two thousand years old legitimize war crimes and acts of anti-humanity as moral, legit and necessary for the survival of Israelis. When this worldview is integrated by all in a society, it is not surprising that Israelis have no second thoughts on trending songs mocking Palestinian suffering and applauding war crimes and inhumane acts, with great pride.
d) Normalizing acts of anti-humanity through Tech and Supremacy of being Chosen One.
That Israel has been given far more leeway than any other country to act with impunity largely by the United States, Germany and some other European countries is a fact difficult to hide. This is the basis for strengthening the belief of Israelis that they are the chosen ones and so normal rules of legality and morality do not apply to them. A belief held in common by the entire Israeli community and some other groups in the region. A belief is filled with fallacies, for it assumes that Semitic groups are the only groups that can define the concept of God and that their assumptions are global. A self-certified Chosen People who lost that standing the moment they were driven out of that land by the very divinity who told them that land was theirs for the taking with a license to kill, maim, torture, rape, starve and incinerate. In the process redefining concept of God itself?
The sense of impunity is assumed and enjoyed not by the State of Israel alone, but the society at large. There are instances which clearly indicate the same. Take the example of use of canines with cameras attached to maul Palestinians, this process was reported by a Palestinian woman who was mauled by the dog as she was dragged out of her home in the middle of the night [12]. Did the dog do this without human contact, certainly not for the camera indicates a whole process where humans play a central role. Tel Aviv University is running an “Engineering war room” with the intent to support soldiers working on the ground with live data streaming. Their efforts developed a cheap and immediate solution that allows for live streaming from dog camera to soldiers in the ground. The army’s “Oketz” canine unit has been linked to number of brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians [13]. The cruel incident happened in July, when a 24 year old man with severe downs syndrome was mauled to death by army dogs and Israeli soldiers let it be and left him for the dogs to finish the job.
Another instance of tech facilitating dehumanization of the worst kind is reflected in the testimonies of doctors who provided their services in Gaza. They speak of how women and children fleeing with white flags were sniped at, instances where children injured through missile strike when lying on the ground trying to make sense of the situation, had quadcopter drones encircle them and shoot them in the head, in another instance the sniper decided an infant heart was a better spot for fatal shot [14].
Unlike what Israel and United States would like us to believe there are technical problems, to this blatant, illogical lie. For when tech is used as a sure and certain way to kill civilians especially children it only indicates how low Israel as a society has fallen. For when the tech used indicates neither exclusion or specific inclusion has been addressed when taking that precise final shot, it means the tech companies, the manufacturers of drones, the tech professionals, the students in different Israeli universities in collaborative efforts with military and tech industries, foreign universities that provide their expertise for the Israeli war product, program testing and use; the management of universities anywhere in the world involved in the process & having doing so during the part 14 months, the advertising agencies or these military products, content creators with detailed information on these products, tech professionals involved in creating the AI for model testing, training, and field testing have with full knowledge taken part in the process of their crimes against humanity to normalizes the same. Besides, the process creates a body of knowledge that assert crimes against humanity is a sure shot means for financial gain and there is an assured space in the market and a future for the same. This is an extremely dangerous trend for humanity.
e) While all the above factors do provide adequate power for Israel to act, its impact would have been limited and time bound. Israel is only able to continue its acts that attack the human species itself by attacking the basic idea of a shared humanity and indulge in genocide only because the United States of America ensures it can. For the US does provide, not just, military aid, tech support, technical expertise, diplomatic cover and an opportunity to carry on with war crimes or genocide through the US Veto power, it ensures a stamp of impunity on the Leaders of Israel accused of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide by inviting them to the US Congress and then applauding the leader as though he has just undertaken an act of great value to humanity and in the process trying to redefine the concept of Justice, Humanity and Sovereignty. These acts make the world wonder if the US did ever understand the concept of Democracy that it marketed through the globe or the rule of law. A present day American senator thinks its time to assert the fact that the US is today a Rogue State that assumes it has the inalienable right to rename West Bank and other parts of Palestine to suit the criminal occupier Israel’s interests and ignore the sovereign rights of Palestine and Palestinians.
All of the above is made possible by the misuse of a legal provision as the Presidential Executive Order within US constitution. A provision within the constitution meant for the administrative aspects of governance has been misused by American Presidents as though it were above every Treaty, American Constitutional provisions, American Domestic Law, the Rule of law or every International Law. Ignoring this hierarchy of Law in use or implementation, Presidential Executive Orders have been used to overwrite International Law and recommendations accepted by International Bodies for Governance. The only President who tried to take a just and rational stand on this issue of Israel, was unable to act as he was assassinated.
I conclude my understanding of this grave matter to indicate unless the normalization of acts against our shared humanity, that had us term ourselves an evolved species, within Israeli society is addressed and the limitations of any American Presidential Executive Order is enforced, real peace in the Middle East, within Israel, or anywhere else where rogue States come into being would prove difficult.
Peace should have the final say for Humanity to win this battle
Molly Charles
5. Country as one district than threshold needed below one percent.
Parties in other closed representational democracy government in countries with less than 10 million
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