
Showing posts with the label acts of terror

Terror Acts of Israel, carried out by Israeli forces, funded by United States, Germany and others?

  While killing and mayhem is associated with acts of Terror, West seems to be stuck at 7the October 2023, for nothing prior or past seems to register in the mindset of US President Joe Biden or reflect in his Hitlerian Presidential Executive Orders regarding military aid to Israel and the same line of thought but with a different shade is trending among German Politicians who can’t get beyond their historical guilt so much so their Raison D’etre is to assert Israel’ s right even as it commits war crimes and genocide across Gaza strip. All the world has delivered as they watch Israel display with pride their act of crime is express their concern, abhorrence, anger, all the words mean nothing to Israel which assumes impunity is its birthright. Israel gloats over its right to carry out war crimes and challenges the world with total confidence in their complete impunity as United States and Germany and others offer diplomatic cover and veto power. The only variation is that a handful of

When Genocide and War Crimes became a Badge of Pride?

  Human history is filled with war crimes and genocide of different scales and shades. Experts on Genocide have a personal favourite in debates on what qualifies as a Genocide. Does one go by numbers, intent or maybe both. They seem quite oblivious to the detached cruelty in their statements on genocide for it goes far beyond the numbers game. The stark dehumanization in the approach has them present it as concepts used in association with any hunt. This attitude towards the victim clearly demonstrates the ground rule - anything is permissible as long as the goal of annihilation is upheld, and its justification is grounded in shades of grey enough to deflect any accountability. No religion can today claim innocence from the violence that accompanies Holy Wars, Christianity, especially. Even though Christ spoke of love, peace and nonviolence, ardent Christians sought and embraced violence to assert their Faith. The only religion that may claim some limited innocence is Buddhism, though

Placing Social Distance (Us and Them) within Security Approach and Peace Approach

Placing Social Distance (Us and Them) within Security Approach and Peace Approach        The Time for Art of War is Over, it is Time for Peace We guard our borders with intensity that can evoke envy in any species, the passion associated with a line of demarcation, largely hypothetical which few citizens would have seen or conceptualized beyond maps, is remarkable. Yet, we treat human beings within the borders as disposable ‘products’ whose aspirations need to be addressed as when their expression of dissatisfaction crosses the limit of  violence palatable to our 'sensitive souls'. India can blame its neighbors for acts of violence but can we as Indians state with a clear conscience that we asserted the rights of all our co-citizens, especially those who differed in their physical attributes from us or those whom we perceived to be of lower stature or those who we could never accept because of their historical desire to have more constitutional independence than us.

Social Distance & Violence- Our Unpaid cognisable offences

Social Distance & Violence- Our Unpaid cognisable offences Violence, unlike its portrayal is rarely an individual reality that emerges from a vacuum. Our perception of violence and the response it evokes is a product of socialization with culture, ethnicity, sense of identity, technology, skill, all playing a significant role, at times far more than the long hands of the law. A reality to confront the United Nations or other agencies, when setting in place a universal frame to perceive, to react and act (to prevent, restrict or reform/rehabilitate), be it to address violence or assertion of rights. Given the diversity in culture, technological advancement, and presence of conflict between individuals or communities, if setting in systems of management with definite terms of reference is seen as the only option to facilitate the evolution of a collective frame of reference from a distance, the task would prove trying and is bound to fail. Is there a short cut to deal