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Showing posts with the label terror

Israel, was it pure luck Hezbollah's shift to pager or response under manipulated pressure?

  Israel could have never carried out a coordinated attack of this scale but for Hezbollah's decision to shift to pager from smart phones, for smart phones would be varied in make, design and manufacturing date.  Use of malware also would have been difficult for such scale of impact. But pager ensured an enclosed space for Israel to carry out its attack, unlike what is thought about and portrayed by Israel it was not a response for present reality, it was planned way ahead.  BAC consulting came into existence in mid 2022, the profile of CEO and Founder very different from trading in communication equipment.   The Taiwan company state the design of pager by BAC different from their own pager design. IDF, don't be so smug and gloat that Hezbollah will be scared to go to toilet, you seem to forget that the war in Gaza you speak of is not a war: a) it is between 35,000 Hamas fighter and IDF and others in Israel over 250,000 with other to back. b) Israel gets more bi...

Israel Reigning by Terror in the name of Self-Defence. Part 1

The concept and term of terror within international debates has been highlighted for its ambiguity and scope for use in different ways. But this instant creates a definitive moment where Terror reign supreme among Palestinians as Israel tries different methods of war and criminal acts on the Palestinian population. An infant bid farewell to this violent world that tortured her with sounds too loud for her heart to endure. She died in her frightened mother’s arms in a matter of seconds, after Israeli bombardment resounded in their place of stay. The devastated mother says “If my daughter had some health issues her passing away would not have devastated me this much. There would have been time to come to terms with her death. But my daughter died from fear, in seconds. She died in my arms in a minute, then they took her away. It all happened in may be 15 minutes”. “From sound of bombardment she got scared. I am her mother, at times, I feel my heart is going to stop”. “With every st...

Peace, Security & Fourth Industry, Technology—impact on Us and Our Becoming

                                                                                                                                                   Peace is something everyone can sense, and yet, find difficult to define. Its complexity, and simplicity is reflected in our restricted definition of peace as an absence of war/violence, even though we sense it is far beyond that.    Peace is a concept that exists beyond the boundaries of empirical reality, but we seek it within the realms of empirical reality, where power has the final say. We conceive it as a static state, where a world view palatable to u...